The Clever Dinosaur

The Clever Dinosaur is a brilliant inventor with an inherent understanding of how to build things. She will often get side tracked or quiet thinking about some new invention she wants to make. When Clever Dino has had enough People Time, she will climb up in trees. She cannot keep secrets and is focused on doing things The Right Way.

The Clever Dinosaur values TRUST

Her Special Skill is BUILDING

Clever Dinosaur And the Tree House

Clever Dinosaur's journey starts in the forrest, when the dinosaurs go on a hike. As it gets dark, they realize they're lost and Clever Dinosaur immediately thinks to build them shelter. She becomes so obsessed with finishing a tree house that she doesn't realize it's light again and the dinosaurs have found their way. However, her house is so beautiful the dinosaurs decide to make their homes in tree huts!

A House Too Small For A Horse

Clever Dinosaur attempts to build a common house for animals who can't climb trees, however she forgets to measure Ember the Horse, who cannot fit through the door! What is she going to do?