Take A Quiz to Generate A Color Palette For You

Personality Palette

Academic Dinosaur

This Dinosaur puts studies first and enjoys having niche areas of academic interest. You’re always ready for your exams or there to pull out a unique fun fact. This dinosaur is ready to go to graduate school with you.

Let's Be Studious!

Adventure Dinosaur

This Dinosaur is outgoing and loves spontaneity. Steal any chance you have to get outide with this perfect dinosaur to take on your next Adventure.

Let's Go Explore!

Artsy Dinosaur

This Dinosaur is naturally creative
but also spends time practicing skills. You recognize art is in everything and are always thinking outside the box.

Button label

Calm Dinosaur

This Dinosaur is super chill and prioritizes self-care. This calming
dinosaur will help you feel at ease; whenever you start to feel overwhelmed, give him a squeeze.

Let's Be Chill

Classy Dinosaur

This Dinosaur is classy and loves a
chic metropolitan look. This dinosaur is sure to fulfill your Gossip Girl dreams and elevate your play time in style.

Let's Be Vogue!

Conscientious Dinosaur

This Dinosaur cares about our environment and our impact on the world. This dinosaur is made from scrap material and is the perfect dinosaur for you to make a positive impact on your community!

Let's Be Sustainable!

Delightful Dinosaur

This Dinosaur is the sunshine
character and loves to bring smiles to the world. This cheerful dinosaur is sure to bring a smile to you as you spread your positivity around.

Let's Be Cheerful!

Resourceful Dinosaur

This Dinosaur knows how to make what you can out of what you even when all you have is imagination! You are self-sufficient and can think on your feet.

Let's Be Inventive!

Snack Dinosaur

This Dinosaur has been following the dinosaur diet and knows that food is not just nutritious and delicious but a
culinary art!

Let's Get Cooking!

Social Dinosaur

This Dinosaur is outgoing and loves
to be around new people and try new things with your friends. This bright
dinosaur is sure to make excellent company when you’re on your extroverted journey!

Let's Get Talking!

Sporty Dinosaur

This Dinosaur loves to be active and
puts a focus on staying on the go. This dinosaur is a perfect companion
to go to the park or to watch you play your favorite sports from the bench.

Let's Get Active!

STEM Dinosaur

This Dinosaur in STEM is an academic in lectures, laboratories, and in nature’s classroom. You think methodically and use observation and interpretation to perceive your world.

Let's Make Hypotheses!